Completely Fraggled

🧙‍♂️ WHEN YOU’RE VENTURING INTO NEW TERRITORY as a relative rambling newbie…

… it’s a good idea to have the F-Team on your side! And here they are. That’s my mate Kate on the left, with the frabulous Fraggle valiantly stopping her from stumbling the edge of Blencathra. Fraggle saves the day again – hooray!

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it’s Kate and Fraggle, flying high again!

That isn’t true, of course. Kate is fleet-footed and nimble as a mountain goat. She’s even got special shoes which are supposed to let you feel every rock an’ root!

Not only does she walk up Wainwrights like Walla Crag in her lunch hour (when she isn’t running up them), she mountain bikes down ’em too.

So, I was in good hands as I struggled up the Blease Fell route, one of the toughest in all of Lakeland, I reckon, but I made it! After that, Helvellyn should be a walk in the park! 🥴

I was so impressed to see Fraggle lolloping up the paths I was struggling on, running to and fro covering three times as much ground as us two-legged trudgers or just stopping to admire the view. I’d like to have some of his energy, and Kendal Mint Cake certainly wasn’t on his menu either. You can put it on mine though!

Kate is based in Keswick and guides people up mountains sometimes, but her main speciality is a system she calls Rebalance Repair Reset, which uses Bowen Therapy and Foundation Training to help people out of pain. You can find out more about it on her Facebook Page here.

Apparently, it’s very good for back problems, and another hiking and writing friend you will meet in due course, Alison, who could hardly walk a while back, has had great results working with Kate, and is now climbing mountains with us like a pro!

Hey, do you think I could test lots of walking-related products and get sponsors to give me lots of free gear and sponsor me and turn me into one of them-thar influencer folks? Do I see a new world opening up before my eyes, like reaching the top of yet another mound and realising that it’s not yet another false summit but actually The Top??? Only time will tell…

So, that’s that. Now you’ve met Kate and Fraggle; I wonder who I’ll be introducing you to next. Stay tuned to the Lakeland Chronicles and you’ll find out soon!

Happy snapping!

The Laggard of Lakeland 🌄

🧭 (Lakeland Chronicles No.17)

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