Finger Of God

🧙‍♂️ ‘RAY of HOPE’ was the first potential title that came to mind for this super scene, but it seemed…

…so unbelievably kitch and cringy and vomit-inducingly Hallmarky that I went with something a bit… pokier instead!

Nevertheless, if I were suicidally depressed, then having a bolt of light landing on my cranium, as I sat on my bench on top of Latrigg, might just encourage me to change my mind.

Having said that, if I tried to end it all by throwing myself headlong from the top of Wainwright No.206 in terms of height, I’d probably just roll a few feet before coming to rest gently against the nearest sheep’s backside, or in a bunch of thistles if I was particularly unlucky.

Admittedly, if I’d turned a little to the left, you’d be admiring Derwent Water, and a ridge swivel to the right and Bassenthwaite Lake might be putting in an appearance.

If I’d done either of those, though, you might not be seeing the Good Lord prodding around as he is here. And that would be a crying shame.

The lady hogging enjoying arguably the best bench in Lakeland seems blissfully unaware that powers infinitely greater than her are hovering just a few inches above her head.

Maybe it’s better that way and perhaps next time I’ll be able to dream up a better title for my article but for now, the finger stays as long as the Big G’s giving it. 

The Laggard of Lakeland 🌄

🧭 (Lakeland Chronicles No.12)

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