Folks Fly By

🧙‍♂️ I MAY REGRET WRITING THIS PIECE for the same reason Wainwright might have ruefully reconsidered his decision to attract countless hordes to traipsing tourists to the hills he loved.

For I’m about to tell you of a surprisingly secluded little corner of Keswick in a highly frequented street.

Here, you can nevertheless find a relatively peaceful bench, often free, next to a charming wishing well and protected from the ice cream-clutching, brochure-browsing, fish ‘n’ chip-chomping  pedestrians by a thick wall topped with a raised flower bed.

You can actually cut across this corner which would lead you right past ‘my’ bench, but few do, sticking to the beaten pavement like suburban sheep, and so much the better.

I won’t tell you exactly where it is, but the Co-Op supermarket is conveniently located opposite, so having stocked up on Crunchies and Mint Aero chocolate bars I realise I sorely miss and a can of frightfully bad-for-you sugary soft drink, I sit myself down here and do what I do best… wait and see what happens.

My American friend, Jean, on seeing the picture I used for Chronicle No.1, taken from the same place, was surprised to find that Rotary Clubs aren’t just an American thing (I didn’t even know they were American at all).

I told her that there’s one in the town where my son lives in France and she then discovered that there are thousands of clubs all over the world – 46,000 according to their website.

So, you see, you learn things when you just plonk yourself down and let life happen…

Just to return to my opening worry, I’m not seriously expecting that the Lakeland Chronicles will impact the Lake District in the way Wainwright’s Walking Guides have.

My little corner is probably safe from curious passers-by and commemorative plaques (“Sab snacked ‘ere”) for now, but you never know, you never do. If you happen to pass ‘my’ bench, rest your bones awhile as the madding crowds bustle by.

The Laggard of Lakeland 🌄

(Lakeland Chronicles No.3)

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