Keep Me Posted

🧙‍♂️  HERE’S A POST ABOUT POSTS, you might say, and you wouldn’t be far off.

In fact, it’s starting off simply as a photo including posts, rather than a post all about them because what on earth could I possibly write about posts? Read on and let’s find out together!

To be honest, I don’t even want to talk much about this photo. I’d rather just place it here and see if it works its magic on you the way it has on me. And if not, that’s OK.

There’s something absurd about explaining or even discussing photos when, by definition, their message comes to us through shades of colour and light and darkness and touches us at a deep level, way beyond the words we have available to us. Then we scrabble around trying to find flowery phrases to describe it, and most of the time don’t to any sort of justice to the sight that struck our eyes.

You ought to know that the original scene didn’t look like this, and the feelings I had as I experienced it originally were not the same as the ones I’m wallowing in now. This is different. This is something else. This is another thing, but it’s still a thing. A thing I’d like you to check out, just in case it does something for you too.

Let’s face it: you’re looking at your computer or your smartphone screen, not a sunset over a lake surrounded by mountains. Yet, I’d love to touch you by sharing what moved me to record this scene that evening. This is my attempt to do so.

All an artist wants is to touch people and move them. That’s what this ‘artist’ wants, anyway. I don’t actually call myself an artist or a writer or a photographer or even a blogger or anything else for that matter. Labels of any sort are anathema to me.

I prefer to share what I’ve done recently, such as creating this image (and this website), and see what happens next. Sometimes you need to give yourself labels or job titles or hobby names to help people quickly find some point in common and know where they stand with you. Ultimately, though, calling yourself one thing can often close doors to many others, in your own mind as well as other people’s.

So, I won’t tell you what I am, exactly – as if I even could – but I will tell you that I finished playing with this image recently. I’ve also written the 400-odd words above even more recently than the photo, and it was fun, and that’s all that matters. What happens next? You decide what happens next. Maybe you’ll be the one producing soemting special. If we’re lucky, you might even post about it in our group!

Happy creating!

The Laggard of Lakeland 🌄

🧭 (Lakeland Chronicles No.20)

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