Letters, By George!

🧙‍♂️  GR, ER, CR… THE LANDSCAPE of the UK, or GB if you prefer, is awash with weird initialisms and cyphers.

Admittedly, CRIII (not to be confused with CR7) is exceptionally rare, only having been minted recently for our brand new King Charles III.

Here in the Lakes, we have a wonderful array of wall-mounted letter boxes sporting various variations on the ol’ Rex ‘n’ Regina themes.

There are plenty of E-II-R examples, for Elizabeth II Regina, and I have to admit as to being a bit perplexed as a kid, when I discovered what the ‘R’ stood for, but didn’t really understand its meaning.

Of course, the main reason for my discomfort was its close resemblance to another word for lady-parts, and sticking that right after the Queen’s name on tons of official royal stuff seemed… well, bizarre, to say the least.

I may be the only person who has ever noticed this, as my schoolboy brain seems attracted to such scurrilous fodder. Remember when they didn’t bother including Norway on the first €2 coin map, making Sweden and Finland perfectly resemble a huge dangling cock and balls respectively? I’m not making this up, you know!

The GR you see here is simply good old George Rex, without his shirt number, although guess what’s coming in a future Chronicle direct from the Soggy Streets of Keswick? A bona fide old school G-VI-R (for George VI) complete with curves and whirls and everything. Possibly even a couple of dangly bits if you’re lucky…

Rex is Latin for ‘king’ and Regina stands for ‘queen’ and tradition has it that those are the letters the monarchs use to make it clear whose letter boxes we plebs are placing our personal missives into, lest we forget. Oh, sorry, we’re supposed to be proud to have kings and queens and hangers-on in this country; that I forget sometimes.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t personally hate the royals, and I’m sure Charles Rex III isn’t worse than the rest of them, and I certainly don’t envy them.

In fact, when I saw the Platinum Jubilee celebrations and used some videos of it with my strudents in France, I almost felt a tinge of nostalgia and dare I say pride!

The thing that tipped the balance for me was the Queen’s endearing little sketch with Paddington. For me, that moment of genuine sweetness and almost self-effacing humanity will stay with me far longer than any official speech will.

When one of our favourite bears (I have to be careful here) took off his hat and said, “Happy Jubilee, Ma’am, and thank you… for everything”, I got a lump in my throat (and still do), and had a feeling it wouldn’t be long…

Which is another reason I’ll be introducing you to my other Lakeland Mascot who will also accompany me up all the Wainwrights. Can you guess who it is? Answers on a scruffy baggage tag all the way from Darkest Peru! 🧸

Peaceful posting!

The Laggard of Lakeland 🌄

🧭 (Lakeland Chronicles No.25)

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