Living On The Edge

🧙‍♂️ FOLKS TOLD ME I’D PROBABLY think twice about tackling Blencathra by the sinister-sounding Sharp Edge

…and they were right! It’s super scary for one approaching old-codgerhood as I.

Sab conquers (a) Sharp Edge… but Fraggle doesn’t buy it

Tackle it I did, though (see photo), and I’m just thankful another hardy Lakeland wanderer, Kate, was ready to immortalise the moment, along with her fearless hound, Fraggle, who feigned indifference to the stoopid human (me).

As keen fell walking enthusiasts yourselves, maybe a few of you have also attempted this exhilarating ascent. I can tell you it’s hairy in places (Fraggle will confirm this) but well worth it in the end.

Some bloke who was passing by threw me a “Y’know that’s not Sharp Edge, doncha mate?!” but I don’t know what he was talking about. I’ve been in some tricky situations in my time, and I know a sharp edge when I see one, so there!

If you have any equally impressive photos, feel free to share them in our Friendly Facebook group (see below) along with the backstory. If I can do it, you can!

The Laggard of Lakeland 🌄

Photo by Katherine Atack, then Sabified
🧭 (Lakeland Chronicles No.7)

Visit my fun Lakeland Chronicles Facebook group to comment on THIS POST, take part in the regular tricky quizzes and share your own shots ‘n’ stories – see you there!

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