Moo To You!

🧙‍♂️ AND WE HAVE a late Lakelandish lift off!

Try saying that with a mouthful of jam an’ cream-covered scones and send me the proof.

There must be at least two thousand people and maybe two million good hardy hill trampers who have said at some point:

“You know what? I’m going to damn well walk up all of those Wainwright peaks and have done with it. Then I’m gonna write about it into the bargain and see what they think of that!”

And some of them manage all 214 peaks but most don’t. And some of them take photos and write about their adventures but most don’t. The odd – really odd – rambler decides to set up yet another website as yet another place to share his ramblings on line and who knows, maybe on a stroll up a hill or two north-west of England way.

Somewhere in deepest, darkest… Keswick.

I’ve set myself challenges in the past; some of them have been successful but most haven’t. So, these days I look at things another way. I try something and see what happens.

I’m going to set out off up a few hills and see what happens. Maybe I’ll get to the top, and maybe I won’t. But reaching any given summet will be merely one of an infinite number of possibilities, all of which are as enjoyable (or maybe unpleasant) as each other. But all worth doing in their own right.

It’s also worth saying right from the outset that the idea of conquering the Wainright 214 was an unexpected and rather random spark for the creation of this blog. As well regular fells being climbed, the local towns and villages will also be grist to my mill and often far more interesting than me endlessly telling you, “Hey look, I’m on top of another pile of rocks!”

Let me also be as clear as a mountain stream right from the start about my qualifications and credentials for telling you anything at all about the Lake District: I don’t have a single one!

I am, however, the world authority on Sab Willl and whatever goes through what’s left of his brain, so that’s what you’ll be getting. I’d be honoured if you accompanied me for some of the way.

The Laggard of Lakeland 🌄

(Lakeland Chronicles No.1)

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⛰ Wainwright Log: 2 of 214 Fells Conquered / Zero Volumes Completed

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