No Rain Without Cloud

🧙‍♂️ THIS MAY BE ONE OF the most glorious views of the inside of a cloud ever recorded in Lakeland… or not.

Whatever the case, it took a good hour’s slog up the easy side of Blencathra, that is to say going by Blease Fell and Knowe Crags, and some sore toes on the way down, to bring you this precious moment of contemplation, so I hope you appreciate it.

This will be a nice No.2 in my Wainwright 214 Challenge, as I’ve already done Latrigg round the back of my folks’ house twice since deciding to go for it. At least on top of Latrigg there was a charming, cloud-free view. On The Big ‘B’, for my first view from the summit… there wasn’t one. Or rather there was a splendid view of condensed moisture floating, which could arguably be considered better than condensed moisture descending, if not quite a silver lining…

Come on up, the view’s… out there somewhere!

Not all was doom ‘n’ gloom, however. The white cotton monster was just sitting on the tip of the thing, or rather the rounded mound masquerading as a peak. As soon as you headed down from the very top, glimpses of the valley popped into sight. Including Sharp Edge, but that’s for another Chronicle.

Suffice it to say that I was delighted to have made it to the top of my first ‘proper’ Lakes mountain and now feel that I’m not such a wet-behind-the-ears newbie as I was a week ago, wibbly knees notwithstanding.

To be honest, I’ve done quite a few of the Lakeland peaks, but I’m starting again from zero, so that’s two down, and only 212 to go. Onward and upward, troops, and see you on the next one!

The Laggard of Lakeland 🌄

(Lakeland Chronicles No.2)

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⛰ Wainwright Log: 2 of 214 Fells Conquered / Zero Volumes Completed