Wanna Be Friends?

🧙‍♂️  LOOKING DIRECTLY INTO SOMEONE’S EYES for any length of time is extremely uncomfortable.

Not for dogs, though! Have you noticed? They do it all the time. And when they are looking at you, they are really LOOKING AT YOU.

There are no sideways glances or looking down or any of that uneasy stuff. They were given eyes, and they use them. And we humans like to read all sorts of soppy stuff into that.

It means they love us. It means they’re hungry. Or want to play. Or to pee. Or want a cuddle. Or whatever. But mainly that they love us; that makes us feel nice, right?

This one probably doesn’t love me (yet), only having just stuck his head under the bus seat his master is sitting on, but he certainly seems interested. I didn’t venture a stroke just in case he was wary of strangers, but he seems adorable; I mean, just look at those come-hither eyes!

I’ve always been a great softie for animals – cats and dogs mostly – and I think they can sense it. Without wanting to flatter myself or make out I’m the moggy or mutt whisperer or something, they do seem to like me more often than not.

Maybe it’s coz I get right down to their level and make soothing noises and stroke them in all the right places. Hmm… that works with most humans too, come to think of it…

Anyway, I can see already there will be plenty of furry friends of all shapes and sizes in these here Lakeland Chronicles, and that’s just grand.

Happy hounding!

The Laggard of Lakeland 🌄

🧭 (Lakeland Chronicles No.22)

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